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Quanto si spende in media per il viaggio di nozze? - imgrum.org
이번주는 포트폴리오 작업주간 1년전, 아주 열심히 그렸던 돼지들 #kyewon_illust #일러스트#lineillustration#vintageillustration#로고일러스트#삼거리푸줏간#illustration#고깃집
App Icons
Since the start of the year I've been going non-stop. Here are just some App Icons that didn't get approved. See attached for all. Follow me on Twitter & Instagram
Amanda Louisi Personal Brand - Amanda Louisi
This is a redesign of my personal logo, the focus is to show creativity and the style of my work using my initials in a different way, almost a monogram.The old version doesn't match my personality, I think. And, also, isn't good for small applications.…
Such brilliant use of negative space. Definitely one of the cleaner and smarter designs. #logo #branding #design #identity