
79 Pins
누구나 아티스트 : 네이버 블로그
::: Life drawing / gesture drawing ::: 60 sec drawing
blue with past Painting by Christian Hetzel | Saatchi Art
Buy blue with past, an Acrylic Painting on Canvas, by Christian Hetzel from Germany, For sale, Price is $14900, Size is 59.1 x 47.2 x 0.8 in.
space: activated The space here is activated by the tension of what feels like this barely balanced broom holding up a canvas on the wall. The space seems unstable and dangerous for the viewer to enter in to.
The Life and Functions of Henri Matisse – Buy Abstract Art Right
'Borderline (new territory)' series by Kaspar Sonne. Although details for this specific art peice is hard to find, I used his other works in the series to help me understand his art. Sonne sets his canvases on fire through controlled burns. He finds the relationship between fire and art similar to his home country, Denmark's, 12 part system where it's all about negotiation, definitely unlike America. #abstractartpaintingstoinspire