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Scientific Illustration
Armadillosuchus, a crocodyliform which lived in the late cretaceous period. Armadillosuchus and the family it belongs to, Sphagesaurid, were very mammal-like. Armadillosuchus is believed to be not only terrestrial, but possibly have a fossorial lifestyle.
Diademodon mastacus skull at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. A therapsid animal, basal to mammals, if not already
Giant Ground Sloth
Giant Ground Sloth fossil skeleton (Megatherium we think).
Partial skull of Columbian mammoth found in Oklahoma | Geology Page
Partial skull of Columbian mammoth found in Oklahoma #Geology #GeologyPage
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The giant sea scorpion - Jaekelopterus rhenaniae.
(#59) Crâne de Mammouth, Mammuthus primigenius avec ses défenses, Pléistocène supérieur, Ere quaternaire, Sibérie
Crâne de Mammouth, Mammuthus primigenius avec ses défenses, Pléistocène supérieur, Ere quaternaire, Sibérie | Lot | Sotheby's
Pin youin Is Rob auf 2019 it cold von Childrey enough for tdhQrCsx
Blue Babe, a 36,000 yr-old mummified steppe bison found on the Dalton Hwy, frozen in solid soil & uncovered by gold miners in 1979. There are claw & tooth marks in the mummy that have allowed scientists to finger the killer: an American lion. Northern Exposure: U of Alaska's Museum of the North, Fairbanks | Handpicked by Ron & Chris
This amazing Mammoth skeleton measures 6 m x 3.3 m (19+ feet x 10.82 feet) The tusks are 130 kilo ( 3 meter long / 9.8 feet)
Jesus, Christmas.
fossil - giant ground sloth