
34 Pins
찐 디자인 - - [디자인] 중국의 새로운 포장의 매우 동양적인 매력 야채와 함께 기름으로 살짝 튀긴 후 오래 끓이다 마이크로 헤드 라인. Beautiful tea packaging PD
Agency: MURA Creative Director: Tom Chen Copywriter: Johnny Chang, Misha Chiang Designer(s): Ssu Ying Pan , Oli Syu Photographer: Ssu Ying Pan... - a grouped images picture
Agency: MURA Creative Director: Tom Chen Copywriter: Johnny Chang, Misha Chiang Designer(s): Ssu Ying Pan , Oli Syu Photographer: Ssu Ying Pan Client: E-g-sain Co.,Ltd. Type Of Work: Commercial Work Country: Taiwan - created via http://pinthemall.net
PLUM Blossom. Probably wouldn't do the characters at the top because I don't know what it says!
Of the Utmost Character by guohua.deviantart.com on @deviantART
Magnificent ink painting with koi fish, only the Japanese can use a brush with ink and make such a simple and divine masterpiece!!!