
471 Pins
Prinsessegade Kindergarten and Youth Club Winning Proposal / COBE + NORD Architects
Love the atmosphere in these renders. Prinsessegade Kindergarten and Youth Club Winning Proposal / COBE + NORD Architects
Un esquisse qui capture l'esentiel en détail et sugère le reste. En utilisant deux ou trois couleurs, l'artiste a réussi a évoquer l'esprit de chaque ville. J'adore!
Hongik Univ. Dept. of Architecture 2016 Graduation Exhibition 2016 홍익대학교 건축공학부 건축학과 졸업전시회
University of Cincinnati Ohio, Campus Green - Hargreaves Associates
Building upon the master plan by Hargreaves Associates for the University of Cincinnati, Campus Green transforms an asphalt parking lot into open lawns, gardens and an arboretum.
103 Beispiele für moderne Gartengestaltung
moderne gartengestaltung beispiele gebogene umrandung pflanzenbeete
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KRob Architectural Delineation, Architectural Drawing & Illustration Competition
Sho Ito wins The Architectural Association Foster + Partners Prize for 2016
Sho Ito wins The Architectural Association Foster Partners Prize for 2016