25 Pins
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///// 14€ ///// Tiny Star Spring Summer Bracelet - Friendship Bracelet - Braided bracelet - diy Bracelet - Gold plated chain and cotton- By CORAIL MENTHE.
서비스 오류 안내 페이지로 이동 중 입니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요.
공예 전문 포털-셀프아트(수공예 비즈공예 구슬 와이어공예 악세사리 팔찌 목걸이 만들기 재료 쇼핑몰)
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Living Room: "Do it with passion or not at all". Love to paint something similar using the colors in the living room scheme.
이니셜 팔찌
46 Ideas For DIY Jewelry You'll Actually Want To Wear
Great idea!
26 DIY Summer Inspiration Ideas
26 DIY Summer Inspiration Ideas, Chain and Rhinestone Bracelet