곡선 예술

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Seraphim This stoneware sculpture captures and conveys the very essence of natural motion like the curling of smoke in the air. The base is solid anchoring the piece and providing stability. From this foot the piece rises in twisting spirals and elegant arabesque curves that imply fluid motion. As the form twists ribbons of clay reach out into space to defy gravity and hang in the air. At once fluid and rigid moving and frozen this piece is a study in contrasts. It draws the eye along its orga
Daily renders #02
My daily efforts in C4D and bunch of other tools. Aim of this project is to get better at basically everything 3d related so I can implement it to my regular workflow and broaden my horizons.Thanks to NoEmotion for all those beautiful HDRI skies. You …
Wet-folded watercolour paper, glue. 2014 To be exhibited at Hawkeye crates, Brooklyn, April 2015 (exhibition pending Kickstarter funding-click to support this project www.richardsweeney.co.uk facebook twitter tumblr instagram
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Super Twister II, 2013, de Alice Aycock, para Galerie Thomas Schulte