Humor Pizzazz

Humor will bring down your stress level.
156 Pins
Best way to raise funds!
What studies lead to...
A method worth trying this year!!!
Gardner's envy.
There is nothing wrong with looking at the menu, just make sure you dine at home.jpg
Sports and humor
Airtravel fun moments
Kids can bring in some hilarious moments.
Well Structured!!!
Shape and definition.
Unheard Excuse!
Witty excuse.
two cartoon comics with one saying, rubs by light ruin and the other saying'never rob from the rich while they are out walking their dogs
Robber's beware!
Dangerous situation.
Missing prisoners!
Cops dilemma.
Solar Panel
Wig humor!
a woman drinking out of a glass next to a table with a cooler on it
Keep guessing...
Have fun at neighbor's expense.