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Cuban Tile Flooring - history and applications - Miamism
Wouldn't want this tile for my home but I think it's pretty flooring.
notes from the studio
Old colonial house in Luanda - Angola by Eric Lafforgue on Flickr
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Lost | Forgotten | Abandoned | Displaced | Decayed | Neglected | Discarded | Disrepair |
New Spray Painted Tile Floor Patterns in Abandoned Spaces by Javier De Riba — Colossal
New Spray Painted Tile Floor Patterns in Abandoned Buildings by Javier De Riba
Cultura Colectiva - Tu guía definitiva para la vida moderna.
Interior of the abandoned Ciné Ópera movie theater in Mexico City, Mexico. It opened on March 11 of 1949. It was one of the most popular theaters in Mexico City for decades. From 1993-1998, it was a concert hall. It closed in 1998.