
34 Pins
ANATOMIA POETICA – Bachelor project on Behance... - a grouped images picture
ANATOMIA POETICA – Bachelor project on Behance - created via https://pinthemall.net
station06 Magazine
I like how the color scheme is constant throughout all the spreads and how the theme is constant too
ID.BRIDGE : VANITABLE with. Probiotics Package Design, LOGO & Leaflet Design
Design by ID.BRIDGE : #idbridge #design #Branding #Brand Identity #Graphic #Graphic design #Brand Design #Illustration #illust #Logo #Packaging #Package design #beauty #cosmetic #pacakge #cosmetic design #probiotics #cosmetic packaging #화장품패키지 #패키지디자인 #브랜딩 #브랜드디자인 #로고 #로고디자인 #편집디자인 #리플렛 #리플렛디자인
DÈLIRE | Festival de Cine Surrealista - María Victoria Vecchio
Identidad gráfica para un Festival de Cine Surrealista. Proyecto realizado para la materia Diseño Gráfico III, cátedra Gabriele.FADU | UBA | 2015
디자인 트렌드 리포트 by CA Korea 포트폴리오 - 노트폴리오
Design Trend Report
STORY, magazine
STORY, magazine on Behance de IRYNA KORSHAK. NY
가장 처음의 포트폴리오 / 2014 by 유민조미 포트폴리오 - 노트폴리오
가장 처음의 포트폴리오 - 브랜딩/편집
Sophie Calle | Hacedores de Mundo on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Sophie Calle | Hacedores de Mundo on Behance. Presentation provides different magnifications and demonstrates material properties.