VIXX is a word that have a shitty meaning in ... Idr any way you don't really wanna kniw who LEO is
33 Pins
Why Kyungsoo likes Vixx more than Exo, explained in two pics ~ haha poor kyungsoo xd
VIXX Says, “We’re Friends, Not Rivals, With EXO”
VIXX Says, “We’re Friends, Not Rivals, With EXO”
#vixxo cries at kyungsoo's love for vixx
Can I have this two cuties? Hongbin and Kyungsoo (EXO) [Dream Concert 2014] and super Leo (VIXX)
VIXX N. OMG, he looks ADORABLE with this baby! KLSDLSDJLKS!
Leo's reaction to the baby pigs was just too freaking adorable xD #jung #taekwoon #jungtaekwoon #leo #vixx
Kpop Randomness
"YESSSSS THE SILENT EVIL LEO STRIKES AGAIN" VIXX, Leo being evil XD the timing was awesome XD kekeke
XD! This is why vixx and exo are close #Kpop
the ever fabulous cha~ hnngbin: they couldn’t afford glitter. XD
VIXX LR Beautiful Liar Sad Parody
VIXX LR Beautiful Liar Sad Parody