
242 Pins
Unity Center
West Office Exhibition Design – Unity Center at the California Museum: Proud to be Me – Learn more at – Exhibit Design | Interactive Design | Experience Design | Museum | California | Activism | History | Culture
Sketch Chopper
Color in Chopper and see him come to life on a large screen in front of your eyes!Touch Chopper and he performs various actions. If Dr.Bolam appears all the Choppers that you have drawn will attack him.
Projects - Three Dimensional Services
Telus World of Science Vancouver | 3DS - Exhibit Fabricators
7/23~7/24周末玩很大!日系文青必去單位展 嘉義人不可錯過夜光3D藝術展 - XINMEDIA欣傳媒|最懂生活的咖
Sketch Animals | teamLab
Sketch animals : community generated mural
Google Releases Software Framework for Building Interactive Experiences in Physical Spaces
Google Releases Software Framework for Building Interactive Experiences in Physical Spaces