Photography that I love

62 Pins
Florence David and Moon
Florence David and Moon how historic that will be it will go down in history like rodolf the red nosed reinder wo nt you guide my sliegh tonite called santa:0 lol
Switzerland - Luzern: Swiss Church Flora
St. Leodegar Church in Lucern, Switzerland. Go to or just click on photo for home videos and much more on sites like this.
산림문화작품공모전 입선/박원식(솔섬) ※ 본 저작물의 무단전제 및 재배포를 금합니다. copyright ⓒ 2013 by 산림청(Korea Forest Service) All pictures can not be copied without permission.
Coming Soon
Just as the Golden Gate can be completely hidden from view by fog, the blessing of God can be just as present, yet totally hidden from view as we go about living our lives in the fog, devoid of what His Word has to say about the situations of our lives. Go to to read the article "Living our Lives in the Fog"
"언제·어디서·어떤 각도로 풍경 찍느냐는 일종의 아이디어… 대한항공 광고 '솔섬' 저작권 침해 아니다"
"언제·어디서·어떤 각도로 풍경 찍느냐는 일종의 아이디어… 대한항공 광고 '솔섬' 저작권 침해 아니다"