
57 Pins
Autodesk Robotics Lab Brainstorms in a Shipping Container
3D design software company Autodesk has added a new robotics lab to its San Francisco workshop, featuring a conference room made from a shipping container.
폴리카보네이트로 만든 주택디자인_polycarbonate house [폴리카보네이트 주택, 투명주택]
NO. 1,706 2015. 07. 12 폴리카보네이트로 만든 주택디자인_polycarbonate house [폴리카보네이트 주택, ...
[콘크리트 카페 카운터 제작] 카운터 제작을 원할 때 고려할 기본적인 것들에 대하여
[콘크리트 카페 카운터 제작] 카운터 제작을 원할 때 고려할 기본적인 것들에 대하여 : 네이버 블로그
1,393 Likes, 1 Comments - 위드테이블 (@withtable) on Instagram: “낮이나 밤이나 예쁨으로 열일하는 원룸. 소개글 많이 공감되요. 그래서 공간에 대한 투자는 바람직해요. @suya0122 . "안녕하세요. 여행과 사진을 좋아하고, 일명 집순이를…”
João Mendes Ribeiro, Nelson Garrido, André Cepeda · Adémia Office Building and Industrial Warehouse
João Mendes Ribeiro, Nelson Garrido, André Cepeda · Adémia Office Building and Industrial Warehouse
Gallery of Adémia Office Building and Industrial Warehouse / João Mendes Ribeiro - 15
Gallery - Adémia Office Building and Industrial Warehouse / João Mendes Ribeiro - 15
serrano + baquero transforms seville warehouse to include comic book store
Join The Industrial Loft Revolution
There’s something so poetic in taking an old factory and turning it into a modern home. Designers take something old and dilapidated and give it a new purpose fit for the 21st century. This trend has taken the world by storm- decrepit factories, warehouses and offices are being transformed into state-of-the-art lofts. We’re going to […] :: Home Decor
In the Middle of a Bike Shortage, Uber Shreds Thousands of Jump E-Bikes
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Trace Architecture office (TAO), Su Shengliang · Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory
TAO (Trace Architecture Office) · Wuyishan Bamboo Raft Factory · Divisare
Stereo Architektur builds wooden installation in Basel factory
Swiss architecture studio Stereo Architektur has completed its first project: a wooden structure that transforms a former Basel factory into working space
큐플레이스 - 상업공간 인테리어 비교견적 서비스
[No.43 알콜로] 인더스트리얼 빈티지 맥주집 인테리어 10평