Homestead Cows

Raising Cows on the Homestead is rewarding as ever. Here I've collected articles that make raising cows easier than ever. Wether its raising cows for beef or dairy, or as a pet, I hope you find the answers your looking for here.
50 Pins
The Best farm animals for beginners
What are the best farm animals to raise for beginner homesteaders to make a profit? In this post I share with you the animals that you have to consider having on your homestead as a beginner.
Best Farm Animals For Beginners
What are the best farm animals to raise for beginner homesteaders to make a profit? In this post I share with you the animals that you have to consider having on your homestead as a beginner.
Homemade Ricotta Cheese Recipe | The Prairie Homestead
You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that you can make homemade ricotta cheese EASY in your kitchen. Here's what you need to know about making ricotta cheese. #homedairy #homemadericotta
Building Plans for a Goat Pallet Playhouse - Wandering Hoof Ranch
Goats love to play, there is a reason we call baby goats kids! Keep your goats and your kids entertained with these pallet goat playhouse ideas. Start gathering pallets and build your goats their own pallet playhouse with these patterns that will cost you next to nothing to build.
How to Milk a Cow by Hand - The Flip Flop Barnyard
How to Milk a Cow by Hand. Hand milking is a great homestead skill to learn. Milking a cow by hand is easy once you get the hang of it. Providing your household with fresh hand milked milk is a great feeling. This is a great step by step guide with pictures to teach you how to hand milk. via @BarnyardJen
Wandering Hoof Ranch
There are a number of reasons why you should feed your livestock and farm animals pumpkins. First things first, we all love pumpkins. When October is all things pumpkin spice, farmers and livestock reap the benefits of this endless opportunity of feed come November 1st.
Garden Up Green - Startle Garden and Quail
If you might be seeking to homestead but not sure where to begin discover the benefits of rotational grazing with smaller livestock, Dexter Cows. #Homestead, #RotationalGrazing, #Dextercows
Taking Care of Calves - One Ash Homestead
If you have a dairy cow (or cows), you might have more milk than you know what to do with. If this is the case, you might consider bottle feeding calves. Before you go get that first calf, though, here is a list of things you want to consider.
Farming - Simple Lessons: Chicken Raising - I remember the first time I went to my hubby and told him I wanted to raise chickens. We were living in the city, with neighbors right on top of us and a postage stamp for a backyard. To say the least, he laughed! oursimplehomestea... #chickens
How to Naturally Treat Scours in Livestock? | Reformation Acres
How to Naturally Treat Scours in Livestock
Calculate Winter Forage Needs - Hobby Farms
How to Calculate the Winter Forage Needs of Your Livestock
Fodder System | How to Grow Your Own Livestock Feed on the Homestead | Homesteading Simple Self Sufficient Off-The-Grid |
Basics of raising cows – Homesteading Guide