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Looking for painting tips? Painting is easier than ever with this product. Mix, pour, and store with this time- and mess-saving lid. Paint, varnish, or stain stays sealed in, and won’t dry out, drip, or spill.
Time Tested Restorations
I needed to enlarge a previously drilled hole. Since I couldn’t use my hole saw’s pilot bit to center the hole, and I didn't have my drill press with me, I had to come up with a solution. What worked for me was to connect two hole saws together. One was the size of the existing hole. This saw "guided" the other hole saw that was the size of the hole I needed to drill.
How to make a simple jig for grinding drills on your bench grinder
How to make a simple jig for grinding drills on your bench grinder
Implementos para montacargas - Aditamentos para montacargas
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5 Quick Wall Cleaning Tricks
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Right Angle Braces - Wood Mag Tip of the Day For each pair, start with a 12″ square of 3⁄4″ Baltic-birch plywood and cut it in half diagonally. Then cut notches for the clamps, above. You can vary sizes to suit larger or smaller projects. The braces help with more than glue-ups. Clamp a pair to a chest, above, to support the lid as you install hinges.