clay recipes

60 Pins
Better Than Salt Dough {Homemade Clay for Ornaments or Handprints} - Tips from a Typical Mom
Better than salt dough? 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1 cup baking soda, 3/4 cup water. Bake at 175 for about an hour. Great idea for modern, matte, textural white Christmas ornaments - via The Woodside Kitchen
The Perfect DIY Clay Recipe - Creative Fashion Blog
DIY air dry clay for kids. This soft porcelain clay is perfect for modeling and small pottery projects. It's perfect for ornaments or other homemade crafts and takes ingredients you already have in your kitchen! #diyclay #clayrecipe #ornamentclay #porcelainclay
Cloud Dough - 2 Ingredients! - Kids Activity Zone
Cloud Dough is an easy 2 ingredient light and fluffy playdough made with cornstarch and conditioner. The kids will love this easy activity instead of making playdough!
Cloud Dough - 2 Ingredients! - Kids Activity Zone
Cloud Dough is an easy 2 ingredient light and fluffy playdough made with cornstarch and conditioner. The kids will love this easy activity instead of making playdough!
Simple & Soft: Cloud Dough Made with Conditioner & Cornstarch
Discover the joy of making soft, fluffy Cloud Dough at home. A simple recipe with conditioner and cornstarch for hours of play.
Cloud Dough (Easy 3-Ingredient Playdough)
It takes just 3 simple ingredients (cornstarch, lotion or conditioner), and food colouring (optional) to make this simple, no-cook playdough that is a blast to play with. Kids have fun making the playdough, too! #clouddough #playdough #playdo #cornstarchplaydough #nocookplaydough #3ingredientplaydough #2ingredientplaydough #kidscooking #lotionplaydough
Air Dry Clay- An Easy DIY Clay Recipe - The Kitchen Table Classroom
Use this easy DIY recipe to make your own air dry clay for kid's crafts and art lessons. Household ingredients combine to make a pure white silky smooth clay that requires no heating or baking.
Air Dry Clay- An Easy DIY Clay Recipe - The Kitchen Table Classroom
Air Dry Clay- An Easy DIY Clay Recipe - The Kitchen Table Classroom
Use this easy DIY recipe to make your own air dry clay for kid's crafts and art lessons. Household ingredients combine to make a pure white silky smooth clay that requires no heating or baking.