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暗夜之后 破晓将至|王者荣耀2021年度重磅版本【破晓】即将上线 - 王者荣耀爆料公告 - TapTap 王者荣耀论坛
Photography image inspiration on Designspiration
We Love Infographics / Pine Leaves by Ursus Wehrli — Designspiration
Sculpture - Etsy
"L'amour" - Assembled recuperated wood & metal sculpture. The wood is cut from an old barn door then lovingly brought back to life in the form of a steam punk heart / http://en.dawanda.com/product/23062017-Lamour-M523
New Typewriter Part Birds by Jeremy Mayer — Colossal
New birds assembled from vintage typewriter parts (without glue or solder) by artist Jeremy Mayer. See more on Colossal: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2013/06/new-typewriter-part-birds-by-jeremy-mayer
Scrumptious Photographs by Stephanie Gonot | Inspiration Grid
Scrumptious Photographs by Stephanie Gonot
Swallows Made out of Typewriter Parts by Jeremy Mayer
Swallows Made out of Typewriter Parts by Jeremy Mayer nature reflected through mechanical. Heavy representing the light.
Art – CollabCubed
Michael Johansson, everyday objects and toy-model-like sculptures, contemporary, humorous, sculpture, engine bought separately