
94 Pins
흑백의 조화가 고급스럽다. 단지 선으로만 표현되어 있는 포스터지만, 강약이 잘 되어있다.
Przedszkole Chatka - Kurz i Kosmos
"Chatka" is a privately owned kindergarten based on the idea of lack of compulsion, with children being in the centre of education. It makes the effort to meet the children's need to play while providing them with the opportunity to learn how to handle th…
New Graphic Identity for Hackney Forest School by Spy — BP&O
Visual identity and business cards designed by Spy for Hackney Forest School
Ouriço Caraíva - Henrique Folster
This summer I created some visuals to a small nightclub in Caraíva. A fisherman’s village in the south of bahia and one of the coolest spots in the brazilian coast. It’s my 16th year comming to this place (almost every year) but i could never imagine that…
Visual survey of NYC’s disposable coffee cups
Gear Patrol collected a number of coffee cups from coffee shops around NYC. Prices for a small cup ranged from $1 to $4.50. I'm
‘Quinnipiac: The Lahey Years’
A deluxe book commemorates Quinnipiac President John L. Lahey and his legacy of remarkable transformation at the university.
@pranky26 on Instagram: “✉️ 예술가의 말을 담은 4개의 시리즈 작업- 2019년을 맞이하는 의미로 연하장을 만들었습니다. 올해를 가까이, 함께 했던 분들에게 보내드려요. 리소프린트 by 코우너스 I’ve made these series works with words of…”
(주)디자인인트로 » [한국법제연구원] 브로슈어2018
[한국법제연구원] 브로슈어2018