153 Pins
The new P&V food store in Palermo Italy. | Studioversuro. Gianpaolo Versuro
Il nuovo food store di PV a Palermo, Palermo, 2012 - Gianpaolo Versuro - food store design
L'Art De La Fromagerie - Le So Girly Blog
L'art de la fromagerie // French cheese store in Marseille !
Ostermalmshallen cheese
cheese for sale, Ostermalmshallen, Sweden
La storia de La Casera e di Eros Buratti | Affinatori per passione
Dans La Pâtisserie des rêves les gâteaux sont présentés en boutique sous cloche. #pastry #pastry #shop
Eataly | USA, Italie, Azie e.o | kruidenier | Trends: Fast Slow, Iconisation, Authenticiteit, Healthy, Luxury
How Eataly Makes Innovation Local - Marriott Hotels
With rooftop dining, a carefully curated selection of fine Italian foods, and a steady stream of wide-eyed shoppers, the first U.S. Eataly, in Manhattan’s Flatiron District, is an entrepreneurial feat in its own right. Now, as the brand moves west — Los Angeles and Las Vegas will soon join New York, Boston and Chicago locations — a passion for showcasing regional specialties is fuelling the expansion.
Visiting Eataly Chicago - West of the Loop
Eataly Chicago, the latest colonial outpost of Chef Mario Batali’s culinary empire, opened just two months ago to record-breaking crowds. How record-breaking? After more than 120,000 visitors during the first week, Eataly Chicago had to close for a day just to restock. In other words, Chicago broke Eataly. Take that, New York! I can’t stand...Read More »