Space Lighting Design

中山市帝典斯灯饰有限公司主要承接国内外酒店工程,其中包括售楼部,样板间,别墅,会所灯具。全国有稳定合作上千家软装设计公司,公司一直秉持去创造不跟随的理念,为广大设计朋友提供最优的灯具照明解决方案。联系方式:微信:18024816175 电话:18806576234 QQ:1721321486欢迎致电!
It is what you see when you enter the hotel! A lovely installation that creates the impression of shooting stars. Everyone smiles and invites you in, even they do not know why you are here for. The perfect art of hospitality in a city where customer service is not always the biggest assets!
Jony Ive and Marc Newson create room-size Christmas tree for Claridge's
Claridge's Christmas tree by Marc Newson and Jony Ive
Jony Ive and Marc Newson create room-size Christmas tree for Claridge's
Jony Ive and Marc Newson create room-size Christmas tree for Claridge's