
296 Pins
2,353 Beğenme, 43 Yorum - Instagram'da N E B İ H A N A K Ç A (@nebihanakca): "Geçen gün hikayede bahsettiğim elbise-tunik model tüm kollu ve kloş kesim. Kollar bütün olduğundan…"
퀼트미 [분홍빛 부엉이 크로스백]
퀼트미 [분홍빛 부엉이 크로스백]
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�����������, ��������, ���������... | ������ � ������� ����... - a grouped images picture
Needle Painting by Trish Burr
OF MICE AND raMEN: Needle Painting by Trish Burr
バードショップ・ピッコリアニマーリ店長日記 -2ページ目
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Hand Embroidery Chickadee Bird: HUGE Project Time Lapse / free pattern | Last Minute Laura
2. Hand Embroidery. Chaffinch. Stitching a Bird by Craft Jitsu Online Class - YouTube