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Little White Flowers
White flowers with lots of dimension and texture. Really noticeable on the tan fabric. The Floss Box: Little White Flowers
See this Instagram photo by @up_in_the_hill • 1,754 likes
Welcome to "M" Words and the Christian Woman
To wear this now would be perceived as dressing in costume. And it's true. It's from another era....gone forever.
✖ Geoff McFetridge I like the entanglement of hands, and the simplicity... the artist is not forcing the image to look 3D or to appear 'real', it just looks natural, interesting and fun. A set of lines to follow, all leading into one.
give of oneself by HYONNA 포트폴리오 - 노트폴리오
give of oneself - 그래픽 디자인, 디지털 아트
Lovely, spring pastel beach decor See my art https://www.facebook.com/ZRFractals http://www.facebook.com/craftwebdesigns
Comunicação por cores 101: Um guia essencial para influenciar seu público - Shutterstock Blog Português
Purple Sunset Stock Photos Color Palette