Waaa mood board

42 Pins
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95 Excellent Monogram Logo Designs – Bashooka
95 Excellent Monogram Logo Designs | Graphic & Web Design Inspiration + Resources
Signature Logo, Initials Logo Design, Blogger Logo, Submark Logo, Simple Logo Design
#premadelogo #businesslogo #signaturelogo #design #typography #submark #watermark #bloggerlogo #bloglogo #mockup #feminine #pink #design
ARISTA ARISTA Shower Rods 60-in to 72-in Satin Nickel Tension Double Curve Adjustable Shower Rod Lowes.com
Arista Arista Shower Rods 60-In To 72-In Satin Nickel Tension Double Curve Shower Rod Dcsr010-Sn
Cornering Lights | AlmapBBDO | Audi | D&AD Awards 2016 Pencil Winner | Typography for Advertising
Cornering Lights | Modern Creative Bold Typography for Poster Design | Award-winning Typography for Advertising | D&AD
NOSIGNER - Force / Evolutional Creativity
NOSIGNER - Force / evolution thinkingA simple string cut into equal lengths and allowed to hang down.One of the line forms that is most pleasing to humans is the catenary curve.The fact that humans sense beauty in such lines may well be due to the operation of our instinct for dynamics, whereby we perceive tension within forms. 人が最も美しいと感じる線の一つに、ただ紐を吊るした時にできるカテナリー曲線がある。人がこの線に美しさを感じるのは、内部に流れる応力を読み取る、力学への本能が働いているからだろう。
Shop | Category: Background Fills | Product: Half Circle Curved Lines
Shop | Category: Compass or Circle patterns | Product: Half Circle Curved Lines