
8 Pins
DIY Cat Tent
Kış geliyor çok pratik bir çizim sanki cat tent with t-shirt 2 wire hangers and the card board case from canned cat food
How to Use Cardboard Make Cat's House
How to Use Cardboard Make Cat’s House
Free Cat Toy
DIY cat toy made out of toilet paper rolls; @Lindsey Grande Grande Grande Grande Gillard, Isabelle would LOVE this!!!
Petcentric Dog and Cat Articles | Purina
Sign up for our newsletter and receive more festive feline content! The holidays are a time to treat your friends and family—but don't forget the furry ones! This year gift your kitty the purrrfect present: a DIY catnip sock toy. All you'll need is catnip, a sock and a paper towel roll. Place the roll in the sock, fill with catnip and tie the end. It's so easy and cute! Brought to you by Petcentric, a Purina brand & your trusted source for helpful tips & fun pet facts.
Cat Grass Box with 3/8 steel mesh to keep those little paws out of the dirt. Grass is organic wheat
Cat Grass Box with 3/8 steel mesh to keep those little paws out of the dirt. Grass is organic wheat
An Inexpensive Hack for a Cat Climbing Wall - IKEA Hackers
To give my indoor cats a new challenge I made them a climbing wall. It takes up very little space and could be fitted in any small room or apartment.