
17 Pins
a plate with Chinese patterns from "Grammar of Ornament" by English architect, designer & author, Owen Jones (1809-1868). via but does it float
Examples of Chinese ornament selected from objects in the South Kensington museum and other collections : Jones, Owen : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Owen Jones Examples of Chinese ornament selected from obje...
Can You Pass The Patterns Intelligence Test?
DANDY Ming Fret / Cerise /// Traditional Chinese fretwork designs inspired this mazelike pattern. A raised, textured weave of cotton yarns contrast with a linen and cotton ground in shades of Cerise, Noir and Flax. A soft, tumbled finish enhances the fabric's heavy, rich weight.
Traditional Chinese patterns, traditional Chinese flower patterns, traditional…
seamless traditional auspicious chinese mesh pattern
Seamless Traditional Auspicious Chinese Mesh Pattern Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 24932228.
10 Of The Most Beautiful Aerial Earth Landscape Shots...
10 of the most stunning shots of earth's landscape captured from space, by Google Earth... // [ Click here to see: http://theendearingdesigner.com/google-earth-aerial-landscapes/ ]
Home - Utterly Engaged
{open: Jacob} It's nice to get to paint sometimes.. I smile as I grab the paintbrush, I go to sit down. I'm about to paint when you come through the door. I turn around. "Hi" I smile
SOLD! At the 2014 Calgary Stampede Western Art Auction – “Summer Storm” Contemporary Canadian Landscape Painting by Alberta Artist Melissa McKinnon
Sky detail from “Summer Storm” 36"x36" Contemporary Abstract Landscape Artist Melissa McKinnon features BIG COLOURFUL PAINTINGS of Aspen & Birch Trees, Rocky Mountains and stunning views of the Canadian prairies, big skies and ocean beaches. Western Art.
saturday marnin cartoons ❤
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