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13 Pins
Wohn- und Werkhaus in Gerswalde | Heizung | Büro/Gewerbe | Baunetz_Wissen
Huge window, bringing the outside inside
Lar minimalista se camufla na natureza
Casa harry Thaler (Foto: Filippo Bamberghi)-love the window seat!
Inside out
Wenn drinnen eigentlich draußen ist: Steven Harris Architects holten die Natur in das Napa Valley House.
Designed in Hackney: Mapledene Road by Platform 5 Architects | Dezeen
Stretching out the "window seat" so that it is actually a place where you would want to settle.
10 Inspiring & Cozy Window Seats
Would love a big window like this in bedroom
Like the wrap around desks, room for putting mobile cabinets underneath, hate the photo of Einstein
Home - Dallas Architecture and Real Estate Insights
picture window
Villa G | KRADS | Archello
창문 참고!!!
Architecture, Living space & Furniture Inspiration #01 — itchban
An Interior Design Blog meant to inspire your interior design ideas. Featuring beautiful interiors, modern life.