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Куколки. Амигуруми.
Руки на каркасе и прикрепление их к туловищу - Руки-ноги-хвосты - Форум почитателей амигуруми (вязаной игрушки) ༺✿ƬⱤღ✿༻
Winter Angel pattern by Tanya Mulokas
“If angels wore pullovers, I know who would knit them for them!” - these words said by my friend gave the name to this design. It was originally created for my daughter, but my Instagram followers showed so much love to it, that I decided to make and publish the pattern of adult and kid versions.
Photo-Tutorial: Eyes for Crochet Dolls – Zum flauschigen Einhorn
Photo-tutorial: Eyes for Crochet Doll Amigurumi
Tutorial: Wire Skeleton For Amigurumi Dolls by janey-in-a-bottle on DeviantArt
Tutorial: Wire Skeleton For Amigurumi Dolls