리플렛 참고용

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Handout for the exhibition ‘Second Reading’, the graduation of the masters Design Curating and Writing. Made with @jeremyjansen.studio More…
Family of Equivocations, Haegue Yang - A London-based design studio working in the fields of art, culture and commerce.
gggrafik design
Poster for Dominik Rinnhofers interactive Watertracks installation. The type symbolizes the daily walk required to get canisters filled with water, and in conclusion to survive.
Bright App UI Kit
모바일 제품리스트 영역에 색을 넣으므로 포인트를 줌(인기제품을 보여줄때 사용하면 좋을거같음)
웹 접근성을 적용한 프론트엔드 UI 컴포넌트 jQuery 플러그인 제작
웹 접근성을 적용한 프론트엔드 UI 컴포넌트 jQuery 플러그인 제작 - YouTube