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Cet article n'est pas disponible - Etsy
Papier mâché sculpture poupées d'art Bandits art par RecycoolArt
How to make 3D Paper Flower Bouquets with Video and Free Templates. Great gift for Mother's Day and paper craft for kids!
소금과 양초를 이용한 물감놀이
어제는 날씨가 갑자기 추워지면서 곳곳에 눈 소식이 있었는데요, 저도 체리양과 함께 첫 눈을 맞이할 마음에 하루종일 잔뜩 기대에 부풀어 있었답니다. 혹시라도 눈이 많이 내리면 아이와 함께 자박자박 첫 눈을 밟아봐야지 하고는 수시로 창 밖을 내다봤습니다만, 저희 동네의 하늘은 뭣에 심통이 났는지 잔뜩 찌푸려있기만 하고 눈을 내려주질 않더라구요. 결국 기다리다가 날이 저물었고, 아이도 "오늘은 눈이 안 오려나봐....
Sensory Balls - DIY STEAM Activity - S&S Blog
Learn how to make your own sensory stress balls using polymer beads and balloons. Kids can have so much fun with this activity and experiment with different colors!
추석 미술 [초등미술] 치약으로 달 그리기/방문미술/ 보름달 그리는 법/치약그림/수채화기법/수채화 미디엄/ 달 그리기/Painting the Moon with toothpaste
치약으로 달 그리기 [방문미술 홍익아트/유아미술놀이/초등미술] The Moon/Toothpaste painting - YouTube
아이들의 탄성을 자아낼 신기한 소금 DIY 프로젝트 3
아이들과 함께하는 과학 DIY : 마법 같은 소금 트릭! #diy #소금트릭 #실내장식 #라바램프 #일상꿀팁 #과학실험
A Little Sunshine Goes a Long Way - Yanko Design
The LOHAS bed can be folded and transformed into a wheelchair in a matter of minutes without disturbing the patient with the help of only one nurse instead of 3.
Awesome Science Experiment: Make Hot Ice with Baking Soda and Vinegar - Frugal Fun For Boys and Girls
Science Experiment for Kids - How to Make Hot Ice with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Jelly Belly Flower Cookie Pops Recipe
Make these adorable cookie pops with your favorite sugar cookie recipe, and get the whole family involved to decorate them with Jelly Belly jelly beans and confections. Click through for the simple instructions! Credit: whatsnewcupcake (Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, authors of Hello, Cupcake!)
A perfect One Fun Thing with kids…make rock candy….fun to make and a treat to eat! Follow www.oneFUNthing.com for more One Fun Thing ideas!
Make your own jellyfish in a bottle.
Jellyfish:plastic grocery bag/plastic water bottle/thread/food coloring. Flatten bag, cut off handle & bottom. Cut along both sides to split into 2 sheets, use only 1. From center sheet, fold tiny balloon for head, tie w/thread-not too tight. Leave little hole to pour water in head. Cut from edge to head for 8-10 tentacles. Cut ea again into 3-4 small strings. Trim into long & short pcs. Put water in head. Leave some air inside so floats. Fill bottle, add jellyfish & blue food coloring. Recap.