62 Pins
11 Things I Wish I Knew During My First Year As A Stepmom — Jamie Scrimgeour
What Every Stepmom Needs From Her Husband
My Top 5 Mistakes I Made in my Early Stepmom Days – resources and coaching for stepmoms
Co-Parenting Boundaries You Want To Set [That Work!] - Confessions of Parenting
5 Hard Truths Every Stepmom Wishes Her Husband Knew
How Stepmoms Can Deal With Outsider Syndrome - The Inclusive Stepmom
As stepmoms, we can often feel like we don't belong, like we can't find a place to fit. There's no magic wand to fix this, but there are ways you can cope and make slow and steady change. #outsider #stepmom #stepparenting #stepfamily #family #parenting #motherhood #custody #divorce #coparenting
How to shake the insecurities that come from being the "second wife"
16 Things You Need To Know If You're Dating A Man With Kids
Step-Parenting Teenagers - Why This Stepmom Has Taken A Major Step Back