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花瓣网-只做一半,不放大图 [&nb-长安京
只做一半,不放大图 [&nb-长安京@Maplelove采集到【传统古韵】(1271图)_花瓣人文艺术
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#graphic #design #barneybarrett #barney-barrett #youcancallmehitch #minimalism #architecture #white #typography #art
Chinese Lunar Calendar Redesign - chris chu
Chinese Lunar Calendar Redesign by Chu Crystal, via Behance
//dröm nov 2012 exhibition// Drawn to Nostalgia by Jacqueline O.
Drawn to Nostalgia by Jacqueline O, starts 1 November to 30 November 2012 at the little dröm store, 7 Ann Siang Hill, Singapore 069 791. Learn about Jacqueline’s personal story, as she shares on how she overcame her circumstances and conceived this exhibition through this video: