
58 Pins
Galería de Segundo Lugar en Concurso de Ideas Nature Observatory of Amazonia (NOA) / Brasil - 9
ID Team: 10701 - AAGPKM (Paul GUTLEBEN, Ariane AZUELOS, Marc KLEIN) - France More info on: http://www.marlegno.it/castle-resort
Ошибка 429
Арх_блог - Архитектура и дизайн | Inspire me
Galería de Ideas de España, Francia, Argentina y Colombia, premiadas por rehablitación de Fortalezas Marinas Maunsell - 12
Ideas de España, Francia, Argentina y Colombia, premiadas por rehablitación de Fortalezas Marinas Maunsell
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trying to make a grasshopper script to bend a wire around an object and to get the wires not intersect each other. Getting a reasonable but random result with the curve rebuild parameter. [script+file]
Fractal Geometry – Architecture, Fractal & Nature
Fractal Geometry | Architecture, Fractal & Nature
Frac centre
Competition University, Vienna | Domenig & Eilfried Huth | Collection FRAC Centre