
644 Pins
Красивый шоколадный цветок🌸\Beautiful chocolate flower
Красивый шоколадный цветок🌸 - YouTube
@Regranned from @maison_olivia - Christmas season _ #buttercreamcake #buttercreamflowercake #koreaflowercake #koreanflowercake #flowercake #플라워케이크 #플라워케익 #대구플라워케이크 #메종올리비아 #버터크림케이크 #버터크림플라워케이크 #버터케익 #버터크림플라워케익 - #regrann
CHOCOLATE FLOWER CAKE. Chocolate flower piping. Amazing Chocolate flower cake. 드디어 공개합니다. 2018 new flowercake 오랫동안 연구해온 플라워케이크!!!!! 초콜렛으로…
How To Make Flower Petal White Chocolate Bowls
Edible Flower Petal White Chocolate Bowls
How To Make Flower Petal White Chocolate Bowls
Edible Flower Petal White Chocolate Bowls
How to make Crystallised Flowers | Recipes Made Easy
Make your own easy crystallised flowers by Recipes Made Easy. Perfect for decorating cakes and desserts. via @jacdotbee
How To Make Good Use Of Those Leftover Rose Petals
Crystallized rose petal -beautiful! or any other edible flowers can be used too. these make gorgeous embellishment on any dessert.
Crystallized Flowers
Crystallized Flowers Recipe (Can you just imagine these little lovelies strewn across cakes, tarts, flans, puddings, cocktails, and more?!)
Kanderade Rosenblad
timeless home: Kanderade Rosenblad rose patels
Candied Rose Petals
Candied Rose Petals Recipe (Just imagine these little lovelies strewn across cakes and cupcakes and cookies!)