industrial design

389 Pins
流行りのスニーカーみたいなデザインのシューズカバーで、大切な1足を長持ちさせよう~ | ROOMIE(ルーミー)
流行りのスニーカーみたいなデザインのシューズカバーで、大切な1足を長持ちさせよう~ | ROOMIE(ルーミー)
Coldharbour Lights | Feather Chandelier & Light Shades design brilliant perched bird lights. If you're looking for real feathers in your lighting, visit
TATA Technopolymer chair open back By Pointhouse | design Arter&Citton
TATA - Open back technopolymer chair. Design by Arter&Citton.
휴대가 쉬운 옷걸이
휴대가 쉬운 옷걸이 - 제품으로 보는 세상의 안테나, 펀테나
Smart Dispenser - Yanko Design
Very basic and minimum, that’s the Eco-pump Refill Dispenser for you. It’s just an outer shell, with a nozzle and pipe that can fit over refill pouches directly.
まとめのインテリア - デザイン雑貨とインテリアのまとめ
リンゴの本おさえ - まとめのインテリア