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Download your free cheat sheet to help you get off AUTO and start getting more creative photos with your Digital Camera. IT shows you how you can control Depth of Field. It shows the best Aperture for Portraits and the best Aperture for Landscape photos. It also looks at another key factor in controlling Depth of Field: Focusing Distance.:
Download your free cheat sheet to help you get off AUTO and start getting more creative photos with your Digital Camera. IT shows you how you can control Depth of Field. It shows the best Aperture for Portraits and the best Aperture for Landscape photos. It also looks at another key factor in controlling Depth of Field: Focusing Distance.: by mZoomout
Photography Cheat Sheets - Amazing Tips For Brilliant Photos! - Hand Luggage Only - Travel, Food And Photography Blog
Photography Cheat Sheets - Amazing Tips For Brilliant Photos! - Hand Luggage Only - Travel, Food & Home Blog
Unlock the power of shutter speed in your photography
Experimenting with the shutter speed is the best way to determine the correct shutter/aperture combination for your situation. In this case, the 1/60th version doesn't imply enough motion to be effective; the 1/30 & 1/15th versions are better. (Copyright 2010 / Andrew Boyd)
Don't Zoom, Move: Treating Your Zoom Lens as a Series of Primes
How your lens will capture your portraits. anything above 50mm is best for portraiture. #photographytips #photographers
Craftsy.com | Express Your Creativity!
These top tips will teach you how to take incredible macro photos without having to buy a macro lens!
The Everygirl
Photography 101: Shutter Speed #theeverygirl
Inspiration. Creativity. Wonder.
15 seriously useful cheat sheets for every photographer
Tips & Tricks • 15 utili infografiche per i fotografi in erba • Techzilla
15 dritte per fotografi in erba
Color by Kelvin: A better approach to white balance
How do you get great color in your photos? Here's a handy Color Temperature Reference Chart for Photographers and article on White Balance and Color by Kelvin.
Start A Fire
15 seriously useful cheat sheets for every photographer
I know how aperture works but it's nice to have a visual for the different ranges. - Aperture Depth of Field Comparison