Beg, Borrow, and Steal...Great Ideas for the Classroom

403 Pins
Kasey Trenum - Simple - Mostly Healthy - Real Life
Reporting Vs Tattling: Here’s a Great Way to Explain to the Kiddos!
Coloring Page brushes - Free printables - Img 15818
FREE Hundreds of coloring pages with a wide variety of themes such as animals, puzzles, holidays, and science!
work boxes, have one for each student, when they finish their work they can go to their work box and pull out things to work on that the teacher has placed in there. (lets the teacher assign different things for the student/if they need extra practice in an area) - DIFFERENTIATION!
Printable Weekly Lesson Planner
Free Printable Weekly Lesson Planner! Includes goals, to do list, weekdays divided into 7 subjects, notes/reflections, and a planning area for next week. It's time to get organized!
75 Fun Ways to Practice and Learn Spelling Words
75 FUN Ways to Practice Spelling - writing & fine motor, gross motor, oral, games & online fun! Help kids learn spelling words, letters, numbers, sight words & more in fun, meaningful and memorable ways!
Great teacher tips! How to help with bulletin boards, planning books, organizing construction paper, etc. Great ideas for your classroom.
10 Things Not to Say to Your Kids - The Kid Counselor®
10 things not to say to your kids - some of the things i learned in my major that i thought all mothers should know
Easy and fun DIY
Put velcro dots on the ends of popsicle sticks. Kids can make letters or shapes over and over again.