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Disney University - Rapunzel by Hyung86 on DeviantArt
Disney University Student. - Rapunzel. She loves everything. She is studying design and fashion and she is in several university clubs. Sewing, drawing, sculpture, crafts ... she also practices martial arts and archery with Shang and Merida. She can do it all! Rapunzel is curious, funny, and sometimes too vibrant (and bipolar)! P.S. Keep frying pans away from her!
Hot Manga Art by Roka - Cruzine
I keep seeing this illustration and I really want to write a violin story now :P (Illustration by Roka)
Nucleus (@gallerynucleus) • Instagram profile
Nucleus | Art Gallery and Store ✤ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン | çizgi film • Find more at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh if you're looking for: bandes dessinées, dessin animé #animation #banda #desenhada #toons #manga #BD #historieta #sketch #how #to #draw #strip #fumetto #settei #fumetti #manhwa #anime #cartoni #animati #comics #cartoon || ✤
squirrels ★ || CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCES | キャラクターデザイン • Find more artworks at https://www.facebook.com/CharacterDesignReferences & http://www.pinterest.com/characterdesigh and learn how to draw: #concept #art #animation #anime #comics || ★