
38 Pins
Exhibition stand ГАЗПРОМ Космические системы GXgroup - Irina Gvozdeva (GVOZDesign)
Promotion Booth - Yasmine Abdelhamid
Check out new work on my @Behance profile: "Promotion Booth" http://be.net/gallery/88165355/Promotion-Booth
Starwood hotels - amesh Ke
Starwood hotels on Behance
Marketing department Welcome to EXPO GLOBAL worldwide We are interested in contacting you to meet the need for your presence as an Exhibitor at Upcoming events We are specialists in Design for Exhibitions; Creating a project from scratch is always very interesting; We appreciate the opportunity to showcase our creative design work for International Exhibitions; I look forward to your soon response and comments; If you have any other additional information, please share it with me. Have a go
16 - Juliya Safonova
Juliya Safonova on Behance