
83 Pins
Die Gestalt des Menschen by Gottfried Bammes
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The Coldest 32 oz Sports Bottle - The Coldest Water
A wonderful book: Die Gestalt des Menschen by Gottfried Bammes
Gottfried Bammes - Die Gestalt Des Menschen - Anatomy & Visual Arts - 3-3
Gottfried Bammes - Die Gestalt Des Menschen - Anatomy & Visual Arts - 3-3
Gottfried Bammes - Die Gestalt Des Menschen - Anatomy & Visual Arts - 2-3
Gottfried Bammes - Die Gestalt Des Menschen - Anatomy & Visual Arts - 2-3
The Coldest 32 oz Sports Bottle - The Coldest Water
A wonderful book: Die Gestalt des Menschen by Gottfried Bammes
Fuck-ton of Anatomy References: Reborn
A delicious fuck-ton of human knee references. Yeah, just a quick mention of one of the above images… there’s a cyst on one of those muscular diagrams… don’t… don’t include the cyst in normal anatomy. Unless you want to. But, yeah. Just thought it was worth mentioning. [From various sources]
Jukesy Momma
Hatha yoga practice, which is composed of gentle poses and breathing exercises, can activate beneficial genes in our immune cells. In a study from the University of Oslo that compared pre-yoga and post-yoga blood cells, this benefit was seen within two hours after practicing.
25 Things That Will Keep You Young
If you can't bust that aging stress, a number of simple lifestyle tricks that can help you slash harmful cortisol levels. For example, earlier research found that subjects who practiced Buddhist meditation significantly decreased both cortisol and blood pressure in a six-week Thai study. Similarly, participants who meditated daily for four months decreased the hormone by an average of 20 percent in a study at Maharishi University, while levels in the non-meditating control group actually rose sl