일러스트레이터 푸르릉 Illustrator Purreung

two people hugging each other in front of a pink background
포옹 Hug
a woman sitting at a desk in front of a christmas tree using a laptop computer
눈 오는 어느 저녁 A snowy evening
a man and woman in formal wear holding stuffed animals
신혼 부부와 강아지 A newlywed couple and two puppies
a woman sitting in front of a christmas tree next to a fire place with a cat sleeping on the floor
12월 겨울 저녁 A winter evening in December
크리스마스 트리, 벽난로, 잠든 강아지, 따뜻한 커피 그리고 독서 ❄️
an illustration of a woman holding a flag
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🍉
팔레스타인의 해방을 염원하며 그렸습니다.
an image of people protesting in different ways
최근 한국 현대사
《최근 한국 현대사: 해방부터 문재인 정부까지 역사유물론으로 보기》(김동철, 김문성 지음 / 도서출판 책갈피) 책의 표지를 디자인했습니다. 이 그림은 표지에 들어간 그림입니다. *책 정보: https://chaekgalpi.com/?p=3539
two people standing next to each other in front of a window with the night sky outside
2주년 Second anniversary
a painting of a woman watering plants with a black cat in the window behind her
화분 Flowerpot
a person standing in the middle of a forest at night
고요한 밤 A still night
a person standing on top of a roof looking at the ocean and cityscape
도심 속 바다 The sea from the city rooftop
a pink bench sitting on top of a beach next to the ocean with boats floating in the water
거꾸로 서있는 집, 돛단배, 바다 An upside-down house, sailboat, sea
there is a person standing on the beach looking at two dolphins in the sky above them
몽환적인 분홍 바다 Dreamy pink sea and girl