3D tutorial

44 Pins
How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking) - Page 117 | 3d modeling tutorial, Zbrush tutorial, 3d tutorial
FAQ: How u model dem shapes? Hands-on mini-tuts for mechanical sub-d AKA ADD MORE GEO - Page 117 - Polycount Forum
Khlotharius the Warrior
Master modeling and meshes
Converting the shoulder pad meshes to geometry // Master modeling and meshes by Henrique Naspolini
How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking) - Page 96
FAQ: How u model dem shapes? Hands-on mini-tuts for mechanical sub-d AKA ADD MORE GEO - Page 96 - Polycount Forum
我是个新手请谅解 - 游戏特效 | 토네이도, 오토캐드, 모델링
일러스트에서 3D로 만드는 과정을 간단하게만 해보았는데 이렇게 보니 섬세하고 어려운 작업이다…:
Cylindrical shapes normal map baking, newbie problems
Cylindrical shapes normal map baking, newbie problems - Polycount Forum