19 Pins
ELLE Decoration - Inredning, inspiration och trender
Just nu har jag helt dille på palmer. Jag vill ha dem både inomhus och utomhus och är därför extra glad och stolt över mitt senast inköp till väggen här hemma. Foto 1 | Daniella...
Comforty debut at Salone del Mobile
Os arquitetos Bruno Carvalho e Camila Avelar, do escritório BC Arquitetura, são responsáveis por um dos espaços mais bacanas do CASA COR RJ- 2014. Confira os detalhes:
предметы интерьера, мебель
Mesh Sofa by People's Industrial Design Office
IT Café By Divercity Architects In Athens, Greece | Yatzer
IT Café By Divercity Architects In Athens, Greece | / photo © Nikos Alexopoulos.
Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair by Guise | Dezeen
with metallic finish- but you could really create a whole outfit look by having your rack space entwined with display cubes to finish off the look and make product look more desirable