
34 Pins
Wild Lines - loooop 
Penso que por vezes a simplicidade ganha contra ilustrações mais elaboradas. A meu ver, é muito mais interessante apenas uma linha dar a sensação de algo e falar por si só do que algo super realista.
curated contemporary art /// “i sandwich everything in that stuff”
The Jealous Curator talking to collage artist Hollie Chastain
Negative space animal masterpieces - George Bokhua
use of white space 1-This is succesful because the black and white create different perspectives on the animal
Fashion Week Vol 2 Flyer Template
Fashion Week Vol 2 Flyer Template / $6. ***This flyer is perfect for the promotion of Fashion Events, Club Parties, Musicals, Festivals, Shops/Boutiques, New Collections, Concerts or Whatever You Want!.***
Typographie #5 : Objets créatifs ! - Blog Du WebDesign
This is a really interesting type of typography made up of photographs that look like letters. Sometimes they can be hard to read, but I think they're really cool and unique.
New 3D Calligraphy Creations Look Like They're Popping Off the Page
Istanbul-based artist Tolga Girgin creates beautifully scripted calligraphy that seems to leap off the page.
emredurmus ’08 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
A Few Guiding Rules for Choosing Type- LOOK UP THE EBOOK 1. Do not use two serif, two sans serif or two script fonts in combination.