photo tip

254 Pins
Photography Hack: How to Use a Phone Screen to Create Enchanting Portraits
Photographer Mathias Fast has a clever photography hack that requires only a DSLR camera and your smartphone.
Photographer Uses Christmas Lights to Illuminate Magical Portraits
Photographer Irene Rudnyk used a simple strand of Christmas lights to create a wintery lighting effect in her portrait shoot. #photography #holidays #holidayphotography #dreamyphoto #lighting
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Photographer Exposes The ‘Truth’ Behind Professional Portraits, And It May Surprise You
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Photographer Exposes The ‘Truth’ Behind Professional Portraits, And It May Surprise You
10+ People Who are Champions at Taking Incredible Photos - scrollbreak
10+ People Who are Champions at Taking Incredible Photos #people #photography #photos #bemethis
Young woman levitating in room among flying book by Tetiana Chaiko / 500px
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#Photography Project Captures People Falling, Tripping and Levitating” #art #inspiration