18-20 Ct AAA+ Loose Gemstone blue sapphire Gemstone Pair Natural Gem This product data sheet is originally written in English. WELCOME TO OUR SHOP MERITORIOUS GEM PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION âğ†ğğ¦ğ¬ğ­ğ¨ğ§ğğ¬ ğšğ«ğ ğ ğğ§ğğ«ğšğ¥ğ¥ğ² ğ®ğ¬ğğ ğ¢ğ§ ğ£ğğ°ğğ¥ğ«ğ². ğğ®ğ­ ğ¢ğ¬ ğšğ¥ğ¬ğ¨ ğ®ğ¬ğğ ğ¢ğ§ ğ¨ğ­ğ¡ğğ« ğ°ğ¨ğ«ğ¤ğ¬ ğ¬ğ®ğœğ¡ ğšğ¬, ğ ğğ¦ğ¬ğ­ğ¨ğ§ğ ğ­ğ¡ğğ«ğšğ©ğ², ğ€ğ¬ğ­ğ«ğ¨ğ¥ğ¨ğ ğ², ğ‚ğ¨ğ¥ğ¥ğğœğ­ğ¢ğ¨ğ§, ğ†ğğ¦ğ¨ğ¥ğ¨ğ ğ¢ğœğšğ¥ ğ‘ğğ¬ğğšğ«ğœğ¡, ğ„ğ§ğğ«ğ ğ², ğƒğ¢ğ¬ğ©ğ¥ğšğ²â â–’â–‘â¡·â ‚ğğ«ğ¨ğğ®ğœğ­ ğƒğğ­ğšğ¢ğ¥â â¢¾â–‘â–’â–“ GEMSTONE NAME :  Blue Sapphire SHAPE : Oval  COLOR : Blue QUANTITY : 2 piece WEIGHT :. 18-20Carat (approx.) SIZE : 19mm x 11mm x 8.30mm (approx.) Origin : Ceylon(Sri Lanka) ğ“ğ€ğŠğ„ ğ€ ğ… Ceylon Sri Lanka, Blue Sapphire Gemstone, Sapphire Gemstone, Diamond Gemstone, Sri Lanka, Loose Diamonds, Jewellery And Watches, Blue Sapphire, Loose Gemstones

18-20 Ct Aaa+ Loose Gemstone Blue Sapphire Gemstone Pair Natural Gem

18-20 Ct AAA+ Loose Gemstone blue sapphire Gemstone Pair Natural Gem This product data sheet is originally written in English. WELCOME TO OUR SHOP MERITORIOUS GEM PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION âğ†ğğ¦ğ¬ğ­ğ¨ğ§ğğ¬ ğšğ«ğ ğ ğğ§ğğ«ğšğ¥ğ¥ğ² ğ®ğ¬ğğ ğ¢ğ§ ğ£ğğ°ğğ¥ğ«ğ². ğğ®ğ­ ğ¢ğ¬ ğšğ¥ğ¬ğ¨ ğ®ğ¬ğğ ğ¢ğ§ ğ¨ğ­ğ¡ğğ« ğ°ğ¨ğ«ğ¤ğ¬ ğ¬ğ®ğœğ¡ ğšğ¬, ğ ğğ¦ğ¬ğ­ğ¨ğ§ğ ğ­ğ¡ğğ«ğšğ©ğ², ğ€ğ¬ğ­ğ«ğ¨ğ¥ğ¨ğ ğ², ğ‚ğ¨ğ¥ğ¥ğğœğ­ğ¢ğ¨ğ§, ğ†ğğ¦ğ¨ğ¥ğ¨ğ ğ¢ğœğšğ¥ ğ‘ğğ¬ğğšğ«ğœğ¡, ğ„ğ§ğğ«ğ ğ², ğƒğ¢ğ¬ğ©ğ¥ğšğ²â â–’â–‘â¡·â ‚ğğ«ğ¨ğğ®ğœğ­…
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