two people are looking at stuffed animals in a freezer door that is filled with teddy bears

인형 뽑기(Claw Machine.)

he stuffed toy inside the claw machine seems to be gripped yet it"s hard. 잡힐 듯 잡히지 않는 인형 뽑기 통 속 인형. I keep on losing it and it makes me anxious. 자꾸만 힘없이 놓쳐 버려 애가 타서 Though I can just buy the same one, 같은걸 사버리면 그만이라 하지만, it won"t satisfy me 내 마음을 빼앗은 if it"s not the one in that claw machine. 바로 저기 저 안에 있는 저것이 아니면, 안돼.


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