Mercedes-Benz Opulent Living StyleNight

On 25th July 2014 Mercedes-Benz together with Opulent Living hosted an evening in celebration of style, beauty, design and dream cars. The StyleNight also saw the official presentation of Opulent Living’s 10th edition; a milestone for the publication that has been a showcase for the finer things in life for half a decade. #StyleNight #mblife #livethecrystallife
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Vanilla Creme Brule spoons #StyleNight
One of the warm canapes for mains; Char sui Lamb with smoked aubergine and Bulgarian yoghurt #StyleNight
Cold canapes for starter #StyleNight
Drum Cafe performance #StyleNight
Magnificent and jaw-dropping #StyleNight
The main act of the evening #StyleNight
The main and much-anticipated act of the evening from the Zip Zap Circus #StyleNight
Some words shared from the hosts of the evening #StyleNight
DJ keeping the guests entertained with all the latest hits #StyleNight
The beautiful and charismatic Master of Ceremonies, Jen Su #StyleNight