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"There is nothing compared to sailing a ship in the early morning with the day spreading gloriously out before you..."
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capnhbarbossa: Tall Ship by SemiSarah on Flickr.
SN 10 Ships Sails
Captain Miranda , barco escuela de la Marina Uruguaya
The Pamir was one of the last great windjammers. The four-masted barque was built in Hamburg and launched in July 1905 - On August 10, 1957 the Pamir left Buenos Aires for Hamburg with a crew of 86, including 52 merchant marine cadets. On September 21, 1957 she was caught in Hurricane Carrie before shortening sails. She was apparently unaware of the hurricane, being caught with open hatchways,only four crew members and two cadets were ever found. The rest of the crew perished near the Azores...
'Europa' in Belfast Lough - Tall Ships Belfast 2009 The barque 'Europa' in Belfast Lough as part of the 'Parade of Sail' event to mark the end of the Tall Ships event in Belfast. The 'Europa' was built in 1911 under the name of 'Senator Brockes' at the Stulcken shipyard in Hamburg, Germany. She originally saw service as the Elbe 3 lightship on the river Elbe, and later worked as a stand-by vessel. In 1986 the ship was brought to the Netherlands and completely rebuilt and rigged as a three-ma...
The Perry Group
The Flagship Niagara on Lake Erie sailing home after the Battle of Lake Erie Bicentennial Celebration. This historic recreation included 16 Tall Ships, September, 2013. Photo via Michael Gora.
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alan villiers, 1932//