crochet stiches

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Crochet design
Credit to iiaks on instagram #crochet #creative #crocheting #crochetlove #crochetersofinstagram #crochetersofinstagram #crochetinspiration #crochettutorialvideosforbeginners #crochettutoria #crochettutorialvideo #crochettutorial #crochetpattern
Ажурный узор крючком.
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Crochet stitch photo and video tutorial: how to make the eyelet and block stitch
This crochet stitch tutorial shows how to make the eyelet and block stitch step-by-step. It includes detailed photo instructions and a video tutorial. This crochet stitch is a repeat of four rows. It is very easy to make and it is suitable for crochet beginners. The fabric turns out light and lacy.